Mindset & Psychology

9 Untrivial TRUTHS about LIFE: Important LESSONS to Take with You into the Future

I used to think that I had achieved success in life — because by the age of 33 I had a house, a car, my own business and a lot of entertainment. Much later I realized how wrong I was. Below I will share 9 non-trivial truths that would be nice to be guided by […]

Mindset & Psychology

Are YOU Going to Become a MILLIONAIRE? Make Sure You are On the Right Track

Did you know that most millionaires don’t consider themselves “rich people”? Surveys have shown that only 13% of millionaires consider themselves rich. Apparently, the reason for this paradox is that we are accustomed to comparing ourselves with other people:  The level of income and wealth, the coolness of the house and car, the amount of […]

Mindset & Psychology

Five Tips from RICH People that YOU Need to Live By (So that Big MONEY “Comes” to You)

If you can follow these tips for some time, then you will be guaranteed clear progress in money matters. In any case, you have nothing to lose — just try and evaluate the results achieved. So, meet Five tips from rich people that you need to live by (So that big money “comes” to you): […]

Mindset & Psychology

Five Habits that Change YOUR Life for the BETTER: Most of Us Ignore Them

These are difficult times and now many people need additional income. You need to understand that income growth does not appear out of nowhere — it is always a consequence of something. A consequence of our new thoughts and professional skills, our good and bad habits, our daily actions and inactions. In today’s article we’ll […]

Mindset & Psychology

Where to Get a GOOD Mood: or How to Find HAPPINESS in Life (5 Unexpected Tips)

Every morning we wake up and, in a sleepy state, sadly wander to work. Can this make us happy? Hardly. Chronic lack of sleep and heavy doses of caffeine spoil our stomach, but do not in any way increase the level of happiness we feel. In today’s article we will seriously talk about where we […]

Investment Opportunities Mindset & Psychology

Need a Lot of LUCK: Long Term INVESTOR = Happy Investor

Investing has a bad reputation as a “game of chance” that cannot be won. And this is true — investing money with the goal of “winning big quickly” is much more like playing roulette than investing. However, when the horizon (= term) of investing money is extended, investments no longer need luck to multiply. This […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

The PLEASURE of Spending MONEY: But This Opportunity Must Be EARNED (Starting From Childhood)

Many of our money problems stem from childhood. Alas, we were not taught how to handle money correctly back then. And what’s much worse is that we weren’t taught this at all! Which inevitably resulted in our “adult” difficulties with money, its chronic shortage and “living on debt.” Many citizens have absolutely no savings at […]

Mindset & Psychology

23 GOOD Quotes About MONEY (They Will Help YOU Become Richer and Much Happier)

“Money can’t buy happiness” is a phrase often written on the Internet. At the same time, forgetting about the banal axiom of life: it is difficult to be happy if you are constantly worrying about your finances + always worrying about the “thinness” of your wallet. At the same time, each of us is quite […]

Mindset & Psychology

No Matter How BIG Your House is, It Will Never Be Enough for YOU

We have all become victims of advertising and glossy magazines. Therefore, we cannot help but want to have much more than we currently have. A more spacious apartment and a country house. A new car — and preferably not a domestic one, but a foreign car. We want to take a leisurely stroll along the […]

Mindset & Psychology

How to Wake Up with a Smile Every Day: 3 TRUTH People Realize Too Late in Their Life

A happy life is created by a clear understanding of “what works” and “what doesn’t work.” We shouldn’t try to “make” something work that, by definition, “doesn’t work.” We should show wisdom — and then in our life there will be no reason for strong feelings and indignation. Wisdom to “accept what is happening.” Wisdom […]