Investment Opportunities Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

Are You Afraid to INVEST? But You Want to EARN Income From Your MONEY. Here are 4 Principles for Increasing Money

We have developed a dual attitude towards investments — we are afraid of them, but we cannot do without them. If all your attempts to “make money on investments” have ended unsuccessfully, then read below the 5 principles of increasing money. Now is the time to correct your past mistakes and start over. More confident, […]

Investment Opportunities Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

The Art of INVESTING: Advice From the World’s Most Successful Investors

Following these tips gives you the best chance of investment success. 1) Be prepared to see a big “minus” The profitability of investments strongly depends on the situation in the economy and the “degree of tension” in geopolitics. Therefore, we must be mentally prepared to periodically see a big “minus” in our investment accounts. And […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

5 Non-Obvious Ways to Make MONEY: Without Working Two Jobs Day And Night

Let’s look at some small decisions that lead to big results. The point is to take just one tiny step closer to your goal every day. I want to say right away that it is better to feel tired of small “steps forward” than to always experience a lack of money and take out one […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

HOW to Become Filthy RICH: A Guide for Dummies From a Dummie Who Was Able to Get Rich

Wealth is what everyone strives for. But only a few manage to “become rich.” Do you want to be one of these lucky ones? Then be prepared to go a certain way to go from a person with a “below average” income to someone who manages millions. So, meet the Guide for Dummies from a […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

How to Become a MILLIONAIRE From Scratch: Five Rules and Prohibitions

The vast majority of people want to have more money. And this is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. All you need to do is follow the plan below. Plus add a little persistence and patience. So, meet Five rules and prohibitions for future millionaires: 1) Make good use […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

The Real SECRET of WEALTH: It’s Much Simpler Than We Think

The truth of life is that sustainable monetary well-being and even wealth is within the reach of each of us. We are capable — we are fully capable — of creating the life and level of prosperity that we want and deserve. In today’s article we’ll talk about what you should do to improve your […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

How Do People Become RICH? 5 Simple HABITS That Will Help You Get Rich

What is the secret of those people who were able to become millionaires or achieve great career success? The answer to this question is not as obvious as it seems to most of us. Yes, undoubtedly, among them there are swindlers and corrupt officials, thieving officials and outright criminals. However, most of the successful people […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

Three Habits of RICH People That are Worth Copying to Get Rid of Poverty (and Become Rich Too)

Many researchers have noted a number of significant differences between the thinking of rich and poor people. What is the difference between them? Why, given approximately equal starting conditions, do some (wealthy, with above-average incomes) achieve success in life, while others (with low levels of wealth and income) fail? This is exactly what I suggest […]

Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

Why is The SALARY Always Low and There is Always Not Enough MONEY?

Each of us faces this “injustice” — there is always little money, and the salary is always too small! But you don’t have to put up with this, you can and should “fight” with it. The easiest way to change your “relationship” with money is to “get to know” the basic principles of handling personal […]

Investment Opportunities Mindset & Psychology Personal Finances

MONEY is “Magic” and Inflation is a WEALTH Killer. How to Make Money Serve Us

Prices in stores rise, falling only in the summer — when seasonal berries, vegetables and fruits appear. Therefore, we must take into account inflation, which reduces the purchasing power of our salaries and savings. If we let our money matters take its course, we will soon discover a huge hole in our family budget, growing […]